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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Software and Hardware

SOFTWARE (Alex Subba) 

Smarter games are making for a better user experience?

·       If you’ve been following the game development scene, you’ve probably heard many remarks such as: “The main role of graphics in computer games will soon be over; artificial intelligence is the next big thing!” Although you should hardly buy into such statements, there is some truth in them. The quality of AI (artificial intelligence) is a high-ranking feature for game fans in making their purchase decisions and an area with incredible potential to increase players’ immersion and fun. If you’ve ever studied AI, however, you likely paint yourself a misleading picture of the AI methods used in games. Game AI has hardly anything to do with what is called artificial intelligence in academia. After a brief discussion of the role of AI in game development, I will provide an overview of the current state of the art, discuss the future of this game development area, and provide some links to further information.

·       AI computer programs have worked in the background, making sure that the digital environment of forests, smoking volcanoes, and rambling paths run smoothly. But AI is also used to make computer games more challenging for their human participants. Games use AI software to analyze their human player's style of play. These programs actually learn to refine the game characters' social interactions so they can adapt to the human player's behavior. - reference.
·       “The above information is good information that I found on internet about Artificial intelligence for games or in games. Now days, there are thousands and thousands games in computer or consoles that uses AI Artificail intelligent. Every year, Artificial Intelligence in games is getting better and better. AI creates really interesting in game such as high 3D quailty games, which attracts lot of people to play game. Some AI in games or simulator is created for many uses such as for educational uses, practices or for fun. I think AI is one of the important part for games, well not only for games but other stuff too and I believe that AI will be much better in coming year than now, which makes game more interesting and exciting.”


Edited by: ALEX SUBBA

Historical perspective of AI

Alan Turing

Alan Turing was a mathematician who in 1937 designed the idea of a machine known as the turing machine that became the basis of modern computing.
Alan Turing was was born on June 23rd 1912 in Paddington London. He was very good at mathematics in school, but struggled immensly with his handwrighting. He was often criticised for this during his school years. He believed his potential was being wasted at public school and studied very hard.
 Despite difficult school years, Turing entered King's College, Cambridge in 1931 to study mathematics. The year 1933 saw the beginnings of Turing's interest in mathematical logic. 1933 was also the year of Hitler's rise in Germany and an anti-war movement in Britain began. Turing joined this anti-war movement. During World War II Turing led the team that succeeded in breaking German high-level secret codes. They used the first ever practical programed computer called Colossus.
Turing is classified as one of the fathers of modern computer science. In 1950 he suggested what has become known as a "Turing's test," still the main source for recognizing intelligence in a machine.

Alan Turing.

Edited by Zakary Khan

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

6 Areas of AI

Expert System    
  • AI or Artificial intellegence is a branch of computer science that develops programs to allow machines to perform functions normally requiring human intelligence. After lots of research, games have developed over the years. Games can search to find people of the same skill level. When you play a game you probablly encounter artificial intelligence, you interact with a semi-intellegent creature existing on the other side of the screen. Examples include games such as Call of Duty, Mario and gaming consoles such as X-box and PS3.
Neural Networks
  •   Neural networks are systems that are designed to solve problems in a manner that imitates the way the human brain works while expert systems are systems that possess special skills, with the ability to apply this knowlege, using tricks, shortcuts to resolve problems efficently.  
  • A demon is a program or process, part of a larger program or process that is dormant until a certain condition occurs and then is initiated to do its processing. They run in the background If the new knowledge affected a particular demon's own sphere of knowledge, it would spring into action and create new pieces of knowledge based on its particular inference rules. Each of these new pieces of knowledge might in turn activate additional demons that would continue to filter through and refine the entire AI knowledge base.


  • Agents are similar to demons and typically spend most of their time waiting for an event or period when they will perform some task. The ability check your e-mail, sort it according to the user's order of preference, and alert you when important emails arrive and Play computer games as your opponent or patrol game areas for you  . The user of the program may not even notice that this has happened. Agent can learn what to do for each individual user, sometimes without the user’s permission. Another definition it is multitasking objectives.

  • Edited  by: Alex Subba
    Information by: Gregory Christofis, Alex Subba and Zakary Khan

    Tuesday, October 12, 2010

    6 areas of Artificial Intelligent

    Intelligent System, Knowledge Bases,Demons, Agents, Expert System, Neural Network

    Ø  Intellegent System:
    ·       An intelligent system is defined as a computer system that receives data, through an input device such as mouse, keyboard or microphone. A person that learns fast or one that has a vast amount of experience could be called "intelligent". The most useful definition is: the systems comparative level of performance in reaching its objectives. The example, of intelligent system is telephone directory assistance.

    Ø  Knowledge Bases:
    ·       The knowledge bases is a centalised repository for respository for information, Knowledge bases may include techinal information and solution that relate to a particular product or system. Computers do not automatically develop common sense but they can store and present the knowledge that human entered and collection of knowledge in the form of subject-problem-solution information that pertains to a specific topic or subject of interest. The data is typically stored in a searchable database. One popular example of a knowledge base is the Microsoft Help & Support Knowledge Base.