- AI or Artificial intellegence is a branch of computer science that develops programs to allow machines to perform functions normally requiring human intelligence. After lots of research, games have developed over the years. Games can search to find people of the same skill level. When you play a game you probablly encounter artificial intelligence, you interact with a semi-intellegent creature existing on the other side of the screen. Examples include games such as Call of Duty, Mario and gaming consoles such as X-box and PS3.
- Neural networks are systems that are designed to solve problems in a manner that imitates the way the human brain works while expert systems are systems that possess special skills, with the ability to apply this knowlege, using tricks, shortcuts to resolve problems efficently.
- A demon is a program or process, part of a larger program or process that is dormant until a certain condition occurs and then is initiated to do its processing. They run in the background If the new knowledge affected a particular demon's own sphere of knowledge, it would spring into action and create new pieces of knowledge based on its particular inference rules. Each of these new pieces of knowledge might in turn activate additional demons that would continue to filter through and refine the entire AI knowledge base.
- Agents are similar to demons and typically spend most of their time waiting for an event or period when they will perform some task. The ability check your e-mail, sort it according to the user's order of preference, and alert you when important emails arrive and Play computer games as your opponent or patrol game areas for you . The user of the program may not even notice that this has happened. Agent can learn what to do for each individual user, sometimes without the user’s permission. Another definition it is multitasking objectives.
- Edited by: Alex Subba
Information by: Gregory Christofis, Alex Subba and Zakary Khan
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