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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[Game Review] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


        Hey guys,

               Today, I will be talking about a very highly professional made game called (COD: MW2) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. There's no question this is a game worth playing, and a game worth owning. 

               First and foremost, this is a very polished product. From the moment you kick into the single player campaign, this is a world where the small touches make a big difference. The dusty U.S. army base of the opening scene, for instance, is a tour de force of believable activity and incidental detail, with a real sense of place. Two soldiers in the background shoot hoops, choppers patrol the skies overhead and hip hop plays in the background. As you move through the base you'll also see evidence of the basic necessities of life, such as water containers and a porta-loo. It makes such a big difference for the world to feel alive and lived in, and that commitment to creating a believable feeling world is evident throughout.

               There is two game types such as "Singleplayer" and "Multiplayer". This game require a good/perfect network connection to activate and to play, after you have activated and installed it singleplayer is always better to start off with because it gives you the whole idea of game and gives you tutorial too. Many gamers who had played this games are always on multiplayer because it is way different than singleplayer and it allow you to connect to the server and play against other people in world.

Watch the Trailer of COD:MW2


Game Review by Alex Subba

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